
Our website contains links to products and services offered by third party websites, such as  If you click on those links we will use data collected about your activity on our site to direct you to the third party site.  We and the third party may collect data to show us that you have clicked on the link and whether you purchased any products and services.  We may receive a commission from the third party if you link to their site from the site and purchase goods and services from them.

Email communications

We may use web beacons in our emails to track the success of our marketing campaigns.  If you open an email from us, we can see which of the pages of our website you visited.  Our web beacons don’t store any information on your computer, they can tell us when you have opened an email from us.  We may keep track of the emails that we send to you.  We also keep a record of what communications you have selected to receive or not to receive.  If you would like to opt our of receiving such emails you can unsubscribe at any time using the link provided at the bottom of any email.

Categories of Information

We and our third-party service providers (including any third-party content, advertising, and analytics providers) automatically collect certain common information from your device or web browser when you interact with the services to help us understand how our users use the services and to target advertising to you.  For example, each time you visit the web site, we and our third-party service providers servers automatically may collect your location, IP address, browser, access time, the web page you came from, and other navigation related information.  We may contract with third parties to collect this information on our behalf for analytics purposes.  These include companies such as Google, Amazon, and Comscore.

Purposes for This Information

We and our third-party partners use the data we collect from your web browsing activity on this site for a variety of purposes including to diagnose problems with our servers and software, to administer the website, to gather demographic information and to target advertising to you.  Accordingly, our third-party advertising networks and ad servers will also provide us with information, including reports that tell us how many ads were presented and clicked on by you, but does so in a manner that does not identify personally any specific individual.

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